Girl With Headphones | Kycker Articles

Creating Atmosphere in Music

“For me, creating spine-tingles in music is down to human connection. The more honest and genuinely ‘you’ the feel of the music is, the more likely it is to move someone.” My personal quest for atmosphere and emotion in music is never ending and always evolving. I’m not sure there will ever be a singular way an artist can create …

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Leather Jacket Guitar 2 | Kycker Article

5 Tips For New Songwriters

The first rule of making it in music is simple. Write good songs. But that’s easier said than done. Here’s 5 tips for new songwriters! 1) Don’t Be Basic. There is a fundamental difference between ‘basic’ and ‘simple’. Don’t get me wrong, simplicity is fine, and works great for a wide range of genres, but to be basic? That’s a …

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